Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Darn You Swine Flu!!

So, I'm sure you all have heard about the swine flu by now, and have probably even gotten a little freaked out because of it. I know I have, not majorily like "omg we're all gonna die!!" freaked out, but, just enough to be extra cautious. It's just scary to think about all the people that have died because of it and the fact that it's spreading so quickly!!! Anyway. Arizona was sittin kinda pretty for a while because we're so close to Mexico yet there were no cases of anyone having it across the border. Well, life a biotch sometimes, today they announced the confirmation of the first case here....grrrrreeeaaaat. Just what we need to be worrying about right now. ESPECIALLY those of us whose finals are just around the corner and we're already freaking out because of that!! Profesora Fierro (my spanish teacher) told us yesterday that if there is a case of it in the Valley, they're shutting down MCC campus (my school) and we would probably have to come back to take our finals. That's a load of whoo-ha!! I think it should just be a free A for all of us lol. Because I am sure as heck not coming all the way back to Arizona from Wyoming just to take freaking exams! lol....Here's a little bit of info....There is this girl in my Spanish class who just went to Guadalajara, Mexico last week. She came to class on Monday and was seemingly fine, but didn't show up to class yesterday. One of her best friends came in and was freaking the heck out! Apparently this other girl texted her that morning and told her she couldn't come to class because she couldn't move, kept throwing up, and kept fainting!...If she has swine flu that means our whole class was infected that Monday she came in. Isn't life grand? Lol. But, I must say, I'm feeling totally fine. It was probably just a random case of the stomach flu, and it's ironic that she's sick after coming home from Mexico...I'm just not going to allow myself to worry.

Like I said before though, my honey is in Mexico right now so I definitely WAS freaking out about him and all the other missionaries after I first heard about the stupid flu. However, my fears were eased after I got two great emails from him. One of them was the "family email" that his mom forwarded to me, and I'm gonna share that with you right now because it's awesome!!

"So this week went by really fast and as many of you know, there is a
sickness going on here.We were told by the President of the Mission that we
are not to leave the house. So this week I am waiting for the news that we can
get back to work. We can only leave the house to go and eat with the members.
We can"t do anything. SO I really don't have that much news, but I have been
studying alot in the scriptures and teaching my comp English (lol). I am also
reading The Miracle of Forgivness which is a really interesting book.
Everything else is going pretty well. My companion was sick last week and I was
able to witness a miracle. He had all the symptoms for this sickness(swine flu),
and he looked really bad. It was on Friday and he was really sick. He looked at
me and asked me if I could give him a blessing. Without hesitation I agreed and
gave him a blessing. In the blessing it said that if he put his faith and trust
in the Lord that he would be healed in that very moment. I closed the blessing
and left the room cause I felt the spirit so strong and prayed for the health of
my comp. I went back into the room and he was fine and it was like if he never had
had the sickness. I know that we have the power to do many things and I am ever so
grateful to be here and to be on the Lords side. Look at what we can do if we
just have a little faith in the Lord. THROUGH FAITH ALL THINGS ARE COMPLETED AND
MADE POSSIBLE!!!!! I am excited for the new arrivals in my family and I am
praying constantly for their health. I love the Lord and am grateful for all
that He has given me. You are all in my heart and my prayers. Please keep this
sickness in your prayers it is called influenza here, and just pray that it will
settle and that we can go back to work as soon as possible.
I love you all.
Elder Ryan Foster"

God is truly amazing and I am so grateful for His gospel and the impact it has on people's lives, including my own!!!

1 comment:

Brandon and Leanna said...

hey girl!!! sorry it took me forever to get on your blog bandwagon! i forget sometimes that my blog is private, and that people cant request to add me as a friend on facebook.. its so annoying. ha, sorry. anyways, your boy is a stallion, and your a babe. cute couple.