Thursday, April 30, 2009

Families are Forever

So, I just wanted to write really quick and say that I pretty much freaking love my family like none other. They are so great and I don't even want to think about my life without them. When I was younger and in high school I know I took them for granted all the time. Especially my parents. I was not the best teen ever and did some really stupid things my sophmore and junior years that hurt my parents hearts, and our relationship was pretty rocky. However, I cleaned my act up and totally did a 180 (THANKFULLY) and our relationship is great. Since being away from home for almost 9 months, I think we've actually become closer than we ever were. Funny huh? But, I'm so thankful for it!!!

I'm the youngest of 5 kids. 3 girls and 2 boys. I love my siblings (Jilian, Lyndsy, Mychal, and Keynan) a lot too. Growing up I think they just saw me as the annoying little sister who always had to be with them and would cry when they wouldn't let me. But, I don't think they realized it was because I loved them and wanted to be just like them. I think that's probably how it is in every family though...But, I assure you, that the stereotype of the youngest child is NOT true lol. We do not get everything we want like so many people like to say lol. I think by the time my parents had me they learned how to say the word "no," and sometimes it rolled off their tongues a little too easily in my case. =P. Haha. Oh well, such is life, and I wouldn't have mine any other way. =D I'm grateful for the person my parents have raised me to be and for the new woman I'm becoming. I shudder to think what I might be like had I been born to other parents. I'm sure I would have turned out just fine in some other family, but, I like myself lol, and I LOVE my parents!! I know I picked them from Heaven, and apparently I have pretty dang good tastes cuz they are awesome :D.

So, aside from having two great parents, and 4 amazing siblings, I have 2 brothers in law and 2 nieces. My new brothers are awesome, I'm so grateful for them and for the love and support they give to my sisters. They rock!! They're such amazing daddies too! As for my nieces, Shea is 2 and will be 3 in November and Emerie will be 1 in August. They are the cutest little girls ever. I've had the privilege of living with my oldest sister Jilian and her hubby Stuart for the past 2 months now, which means I've been living with Shea as well. I love her so stinking much. She has so much spunk and a sense of humor. I'll admit she can be pretty difficult at times, and is definitely in her "terrible twos" stage, but, aside from that she is so great to be around. I love waking up every morning and going out to the living room to see her sitting on the couch or the floor in her jammies with her hair all messed up watching her favorite cartoons lol. One of my FAVORITE things about her is the fact that she is extremely mindful of other people. She is really good at remembering names even if she's only met someone once, and she always makes sure to remember all her family members when she prays lol. Whenever she is going somewhere with Jilian or Stuart and I'm in my bedroom down the hallway, she never ever forgets to say bye to me. It warms my heart right up to know that a little 2 year old doesn't want her auntie Kellsi to be left without saying goodbye.

Ok, this is getting really long so I'm going to cut it off here. I just wanted to say how much I truly love my family and I'm grateful that I get them forever! I'm so excited to get married on October 12, 2010 to the best man ever in the Salt Lake City Temple and be sealed to him for time and all eternity!! I'm grateful for the opportunity we'll have to have our own little additions to our eternal family.

I love the gospel...the end. lol!!!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Kellsi, you are such a good person and the way you view life makes me appreciate our friendship even more :)