Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Where do I begin?

Oh man, so I started this whole blog thing almost 5 months ago and did absolutely nothing to it! Needless to say, I had no idea what the heck I was doing, became frustrated quickly, and decided to just drop it and not even worry about it anymore.

As many of you may (or may not) know, I've been patiently waiting for a missionary for the past 8 (almost 9!!) months now...He's one of the reasons I decided to start this blog so that whoever decides they feel like "blog stalking" me will know a little about what's been going on in each of our lives over the next 2 years. Well, now it's more like 16 months due to my lack of blog writing motivation in the past. lol.

Ok, now it's time for a little information. Elder Ryan Foster was called to the Mexico Mexico City North Mission and left on August 6, 2008. So far he's been loving every minute of it, despite a few minor health problems. He really enjoys the work he's been called to do and his love of Jesus Christ and the gospel are what motivate him every day to get out and serve the Lord. I'm so very thankful for him, his hard work and determination are such a wondeful example to me. =) He left the Provo MTC on October 7, 2008. His first area was Xalostock, Campina and his companion was Elder Alvarez. They became great friends and had a great companionship with many baptisms. On December 29,2008 Ryan was transfered to Ecatapec, San Cristova, and his new companion was Elder Torrez. Their relationship was a little rocky at times, and they were often frustrated with one another. However, they did not let that get in the way of the work they were set out to do and had many baptisms as well. About a month or so ago Elder Torrez was transfered and Ryan's new companion Elder Sdib arrived. I think it's safe to say that they are pretty much in love with each other (in a non-sexual brotherly kind of way lol).

As for me, since Elder Foster has been gone, I moved from Newcastle, a little town in Wyoming, to Mesa, Arizona and have been attending Mesa Community College since late August of 2008. For the past two semesters I've been working towards an Associates degree in their Strength, Nutrition, and Personal Training program. However, I've realized that this path is just not ME. I don't think that I'd be happy with this career choice later on in life and would actually probably hate it lol. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE health and fitness, but, I just cannot see myself professionally in this field. I've decided to pursue my lifelong dream of becoming a makeup artist. I've prayed about it a lot and asked Heavenly Father for guidance, and I really feel that this is the right thing for me. So, wish me luck!

1 comment:

Mikaela said...

Yay you got your blog up and running! It looks great. Prepare to be stalked. :)