Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Alright, I'm just gonna make this short and sweet (because my parents are about to come home from work and I wanna clean the house for them =P). Since I last blogged, I've gotten a job at Pizza Hut (I start next Tuesday) and have been able to just relax and spend time training my dogs while I'm waiting to begin. A few stupid things have happened, but, I'm not gonna talk about them right now, and all that matters is that they are over and done with and will never come back again. lol...As for Elder Foster, he said that his mission president said sometime soon he's going to be training a NEWBY lol...I wanna know how that turns out for him, he seems really excited about it. I know he's going to do a great job with this new Elder. Even though I don't know any of the other Elder's out in Ryan's mission, I think his president chose the best person to do this training because Ryan is such an amazing missionary. He's been doing SO well, and he is so eager to do the Lord's work and is focused solely on that. I couldn't be more proud of him than I am right now...Good job babe!!!!!

Friday, May 22, 2009


Wow, ok. So, I haven't blogged in a long time!!! AHHHHH I'm a slacker, I need some motivation haha.

Let's see, since I last posted I've moved back to good ol Newcastle, Wyoming. Population 3,000+...everybody knows you and tries to know your business...Um, my bestie Becca and I went on a job hunt today, I'm not too sure how successful we were, but, hopefully we can find something PRONTO..We took her beagle Abby and my parents husky Smoqui on a walk around town today, ran into quite a few people we hadn't seen in a while. Kinda interesting. Then, we took her little dog...oh gosh, I don't even remember what he is (sorry Becca) Gizmo on a walk, we were going to take my husky Ella but I really didn't feel like loading her into the car lol. Anyway, that was basically all we did today. Job hunting and dog walking. It was nice though and I'm glad we're gonna be spending a lot of time together this summer...It will make up for all the time we've had to spend apart!!!

As for Ryan, he was transfered to a new area on Mother's Day..I can't remember the area off the top of my head, but, he seems to be liking it and doing pretty well. He likes his companion, but, I guess he's a little shy and quiet sometimes. But, knowing my lovey Elder Foster he will do just fine with getting his companion to speak up and break out of his shell. He's good like that =P.

Anywho, there's my update, nothing special really, but hopefully I'll have some better stuff to talk about soon!!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!!

I just wanted to take the time to say how much I absolutely love my mother. I know that growing up I probably wasn't the best at showing her just how much I truly love and appreciate her, but, I honestly love her so much more than my words will ever be able to express.

My mom is one of the greatest women I know. She is such a hard worker and doesn't mind getting her hands dirty as long as she gets the job done. I really admire that about her and I'd like to think that she passed a little bit of that trait down to me. Not only is she hard-working, but, she has the GREATEST personality and I wouldn't want her to change it for anything. What I love about my mom's personality is that she is a friend to everyone she meets, and I mean everyone. She always seems to have a smile on her face and if something is getting her down, she doesn't let it show. She is a total goof-ball and has a silly sense of humor which is great for our family because we all act like a bunch of weirdos sometimes and it's nice to be able let that sillyness out with one another. My mom is also very giving of her time and service, and is extremely patient. One major thing that I love about my mom is her love for and testimony of the gospel. She has such a strong testimony of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and you can see that eminating through her by the way she chooses to live her life. I'm so grateful that she and my dad raised me in the church and taught me all that they possibly could so that I too could one day gain my own testimony.

There are so many more things that I absolutely love about my mother and I am so grateful that I am her daughter and get to partake of her awesomeness. (lol). I'm SOOO excited to get to see her and my wonderful Grandma Sackett in less than 3 days!!!!

Here is a poem I dedicate to my wonderful mommy. =)

My Miracle Mother

Mom, I look at you
and see a walking miracle.
Your unfailing love without limit,
your ability to soothe my every hurt,
the way you are on duty, unselfishly,
every hour, every day,
makes me so grateful
that I am yours, and you are mine.
With open arms and open heart,
with enduring patience and inner strength,
you gave so much for me,
sometimes at your expense.
You are my teacher,
my comforter, my encourager,
appreciating all, forgiving all.
Sometimes I took you for granted, Mom,
but I don’t now, and I never will again.
I know that everything I am today
relates to you and your loving care.
I gaze in wonder
as I watch you being you—
my miracle, my mother.

P.S..So, since this is a blog for both Elder Foster and I ,and not just myself, I just wanted to say that I am so grateful for his mother Trena as well. She is such an amazing woman and I am so privileged to have been given the chance to meet her and her wonderful family. She is so very loving and nurturing and I know she holds a great piece of Ryan's heart and I am so grateful for that. I know she's molded him into the person he is today and continues to love and support him while out on his mission. I can't imagine how hard it must be for her to be without her youngest son and child for 2 years, but, I know that she is strong and can do absolutely anything. =). I'm thankful for the emails she sends to me, she always seems to say exactly what I need to hear each week and whether she knows it or not, I feel like she is my second mother and I love her very much...Heck, when I was invited to go and spend time wih her and her family for Christmas, people thought that I was only excited for the phone call from Elder Foster. But, I can honestly say that was NOT the case. I was SO excited to get to go and spend time with the Foster's because I truly missed them and I was truly missing Trena like I had been missing my own mother all the while I'd been away from home at college. I feel like I've been able to get to know her so much through her emails, and I'm so glad that I've been given the chance to do so. It's a lot more than many people get, so, I'm glad Heavenly Father has given me such a blessing!! AND that Ryan has been given such a spectacular mother!!! =D

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Woo hoo!!!

Today is the day of all days! Lol..ok maybe not, but I have reason to celebrate! Haha. I just got done taking my oral final for my Spanish class and I aced that biz! Lol. I'm just really glad because I was really nervous for it because I thought I'd probably forget everything since we just had to sit in front of the teacher one on one and basically just talk to her in spanish baha. But, it went well, so YAY!

Wanna know what else makes this a fantastic day?! With the completion of that final, this means that I only have 3 finals left til my summer begins! ANNNNNNNND I got a great email from Ryan saying that the missionaries in Mexico can finally get out and work again! Haha ok one more piece of good news, he's had problems with his ears for the past few months of his mission, he had to go to 2 or 3 doctors and this third one finally figured out that all his stupid months of pain were caused by one of his crowns weren't allowing him to bite down all the way or something, so that was resulting in tension in his jaw and pain in his ears. How weird is that? Lol, but anyway, my good news is that he says ever since going and seeing that final doctor (which was about 2+ weeks ago) he has no more pain!!!! I was so worried, but, now everything is ok and I can relax =D.

Ok, aside from my happy news lol. Here are the lyrics to a song that even though I've listened to it a million times before, made me start crying when I was on the metro going to school today. I've realized that THIS is how I want to be. I want to see people and things the way the Lord does...

"Give Me Your Eyes" - Brandon Heath

Looked down from a broken sky
Traced out from the city lights
My world from a mile high
The best seat in the house tonight
Touched down on the cold black top
Hold on for the sudden stop
Breathe in the familiar shock
Of confusion and chaos
All those people going somewhere,
Why have I never cared?

Give me your eyes for just one second
Give me your eyes so I can see
Everything that I keep missing
Give me your love for humanity
Give me your arms for the broken hearted
Ones that are far beyond my reach
Give me your heart for the ones forgotten
Give me your eyes so I can see.

Step out on a busy street
See a girl and our eyes meet
Does her best to smile at me
To hide what's underneath
There's a man just to her right
Black suit and a bright red tie
To ashamed to tell his wife
He's out of work
He's buying time
All those people going somewhere,
Why have a I never cared?


I've been there a million times
A couple of million eyes
Just moving past me by
I swear I never thought that I was wrong
Well, I want a second glance
So give me a second chance
To see the way you see the people all along

(chorus x3)

Give me your eyes!
Lord, give me your eyes!
Everything I keep missing
Give me your arms
For the broken hearted!
Give me your arms,
Lord give me your eyes

Yeah, ah man. I just can't describe how that song makes me feel. Other than the fact that I want to be the best possible person I can be every single day of my life. I want to reach out and help people. I want to love everyone I meet, no judgment, no hate, nothing but pure and genuine love. I can't imagine what kind of world this would be if everyone would just try to be like Christ. It would be so wonderful! There would be no hate, no tears of pain and anguish that we cause people by our words and actions, just simple love, kindness, and understanding for our fellow man. Maybe one day our world can be like this?...Maybe.
I hope so.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Just Another Day

Well, there's nothing too special happening on this particular day in my life. I'm just sitting in my room procrastinating...I should be doing many other things besides blogging it up such as: packing my room to get ready for my journey back to good ol Wyoming, studying for my Spanish oral final, and working on my sports nutrition final project!! I need a little more motivation to finish up my school work lol. I'm just SO flippin ready for the summer so I can see my friends and family!! I will admit, moving is going to be very bitter-sweet, I have made so many new and wonderful friends down here, and it's been fun getting to live with my sister and her family. However, it is time for me to close this chapter in my life and start a new one, even if all I'm gonna be doing is working once I get home. I'm sure I will have some good experiences!!

Let's see, tomorrow means that Ryan's been out for 9 out of 24 months of his mission!! That means he only has 15 months left, whoop whoop!!! Not much has been going on with him lately either do to this stupid flippin swine flu, however, he and his companion ARE able to go and visit 2 families per day, so, I guess that's better than nothing right?! All they can really do is wait it out, I know the sickness will leave eventually, we just need to pray =).

Whelp, I told you there was nothing new going on so I guess this is it. Hasta luego!

Monday, May 4, 2009

More of the Little Angel =D

Here are some more pictures of the BEAUTIFUL little Ava! Her gorgeous mommy Tonia just emailed them to me, and let me tell you I was SO excited!! I can't wait to meet her =D

Oo Baby Baby!

YAY!!!!!!! Ryan's mommy emailed me about an hour ago to share the news with me about Tonia and Peter's (Ryan's sister and brother-in-law) new beautiful baby girl!! Her name is Ava Lei Steadman, she was born this morning at 7:30a.m. She weighs 8lbs and is 19in long. Ahhhhh I can't wait to meet her!!! I can't wait til Ryan checks his email today (it's his p-day) to find out that he's a new uncle!! =D. Yay for beautiful babies coming straight from the arms of Heavenly Father!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Ho hum.

So, I realize that I've already written once today, but, I just wanted to say that I really miss my lovey Ryan...A lot.

Today when my friends and I went to the temple we got to watch a couple all dressed up in their wedding attire and realized that they were taking their wedding photos. *sigh* Us girls were really wishing that we were the ones wearing that white dress, sitting in the grass next to the men we love, with our heads on their shoulders never having to be apart from them again.

You know, so many people have given me crap about waiting for Ryan while he's on his mission. But, seriously, it is SO much more than just "waiting for a missionary". I'm waiting for the man who has all my love and my whole heart. I'm waiting for him because I love him so much more than I ever thought I could love anyone. I'm waiting for him because I KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that we are meant for each other. I know that God meant for us to be together and I am so grateful that he helped us find each other. I know that we're going to get married and I cannot wait to get to be with him forever!! =D I honestly can't see myself with any other guy. To be honest, guys other than Ryan and family members just gross me out these days lol. You would think that after 9 months of him being gone I'd at least be a tiny bit attracted to guys right?...wrong. Even guys that I would have thought were attractive before I found Ryan are just...idk, they're just "blah" to me now haha. I don't know if that makes any sense, but it makes sense in my head. All I know is that Ryan is the only one I've got my sights on and he's the only one my sights will be on FOREVER...haha. Ooo wee.

You know, I started this post in a really down mood. Whether I let it show or not, I was in a really sucky mood and my heart was aching for him to be here with me. I was just missing him terribly. But now, after thinking about us and the knowledge that I have that we're supposed to be together, my spirits have been lifted and I am in a much better mood. I am just SO thankful that Heavenly Father has blessed me with this WONDERFUL guy!! I'm so lucky that he has the same values and beliefs as I and that he loves the Lord so much that he willingly promised 2 years of his life to help do His work..I'm so grateful for his strong testimony and that instead of bringing me down in any way he LIFTS me and helps me strive to be a better person...Only 15 more months (+ a few days) and I'll get to be with him again!!!....He is more than worth the wait.


Can I just start off by saying how flippin amazing temples are?! Seriously, they are some of the most wonderful places on earth and I am SO grateful that I have the privilege of living so close to one here in Mesa. There nearest temple to my hometown in Newcastle, Wyoming is the Billings, Montana temple...5 HOURS AWAY!!!! So, obviously temple trips are a little scarce at times. But, having had the opportunity for the past 8 months or so to go to the temple whenever I feel like it has DEFINITELY made me appreciate it that much more and so once I move back to WY (in exactly TWO weeks!!!) I'm most certainly going to attend ward temple trips as often as I possibly can. I used to take the temple for granted and didn't really think about all the many blessings I recieve from it, all I cared about was the fact that I did NOT want to drive 5 hours just to stay one night and come back home. I guess I was just being selfish...But, I can honestly say my opinion has changed and I really DO appreciate the feelings I get when I'm in the temple, and even the calm peaceful feeling that stays with me well after I leave.

Anyway, today my friends Aubrey, Andrea, and I got the opportunity to go to the temple and decided that once we were done inside we would go home, get ready, and come back and take pictures since it was SUCH a lovely day!! =D (The wind picked up a little bit, but we didn't let that ruin it for us =P)