Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!!

I just wanted to take the time to say how much I absolutely love my mother. I know that growing up I probably wasn't the best at showing her just how much I truly love and appreciate her, but, I honestly love her so much more than my words will ever be able to express.

My mom is one of the greatest women I know. She is such a hard worker and doesn't mind getting her hands dirty as long as she gets the job done. I really admire that about her and I'd like to think that she passed a little bit of that trait down to me. Not only is she hard-working, but, she has the GREATEST personality and I wouldn't want her to change it for anything. What I love about my mom's personality is that she is a friend to everyone she meets, and I mean everyone. She always seems to have a smile on her face and if something is getting her down, she doesn't let it show. She is a total goof-ball and has a silly sense of humor which is great for our family because we all act like a bunch of weirdos sometimes and it's nice to be able let that sillyness out with one another. My mom is also very giving of her time and service, and is extremely patient. One major thing that I love about my mom is her love for and testimony of the gospel. She has such a strong testimony of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and you can see that eminating through her by the way she chooses to live her life. I'm so grateful that she and my dad raised me in the church and taught me all that they possibly could so that I too could one day gain my own testimony.

There are so many more things that I absolutely love about my mother and I am so grateful that I am her daughter and get to partake of her awesomeness. (lol). I'm SOOO excited to get to see her and my wonderful Grandma Sackett in less than 3 days!!!!

Here is a poem I dedicate to my wonderful mommy. =)

My Miracle Mother

Mom, I look at you
and see a walking miracle.
Your unfailing love without limit,
your ability to soothe my every hurt,
the way you are on duty, unselfishly,
every hour, every day,
makes me so grateful
that I am yours, and you are mine.
With open arms and open heart,
with enduring patience and inner strength,
you gave so much for me,
sometimes at your expense.
You are my teacher,
my comforter, my encourager,
appreciating all, forgiving all.
Sometimes I took you for granted, Mom,
but I don’t now, and I never will again.
I know that everything I am today
relates to you and your loving care.
I gaze in wonder
as I watch you being you—
my miracle, my mother.

P.S..So, since this is a blog for both Elder Foster and I ,and not just myself, I just wanted to say that I am so grateful for his mother Trena as well. She is such an amazing woman and I am so privileged to have been given the chance to meet her and her wonderful family. She is so very loving and nurturing and I know she holds a great piece of Ryan's heart and I am so grateful for that. I know she's molded him into the person he is today and continues to love and support him while out on his mission. I can't imagine how hard it must be for her to be without her youngest son and child for 2 years, but, I know that she is strong and can do absolutely anything. =). I'm thankful for the emails she sends to me, she always seems to say exactly what I need to hear each week and whether she knows it or not, I feel like she is my second mother and I love her very much...Heck, when I was invited to go and spend time wih her and her family for Christmas, people thought that I was only excited for the phone call from Elder Foster. But, I can honestly say that was NOT the case. I was SO excited to get to go and spend time with the Foster's because I truly missed them and I was truly missing Trena like I had been missing my own mother all the while I'd been away from home at college. I feel like I've been able to get to know her so much through her emails, and I'm so glad that I've been given the chance to do so. It's a lot more than many people get, so, I'm glad Heavenly Father has given me such a blessing!! AND that Ryan has been given such a spectacular mother!!! =D

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