Friday, July 30, 2010

What to Do? What to Do?

I'm afraid that my life has been rather dull lately, I haven't had much to report, and, that's kinda weird! Haha...

Ummm..Last night my friend Keri and I went to the movies and watched The Sorcerer's Apprentice..cute movie! We thoroughly enjoyed it. Besides, what's NOT to love about a Disney movie?! Lol...We fell in love with the nerdy lead character AND the movie soundtrack. Ha....I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be buying it once it becomes available.

Other than that, nothing too interesting has been going on. Still workin every day, but, TOMORROW is my last Even though this has been the slowest week of my life, it's also gone pretty quick. Haha.

I discovered a dog park in Sheridan (yeah, after being here for almost a year I just NOW found it, how pathetic am I?) I took Suka there yesterday and the day before and she absolutely loves it. It's this ginormous fenced in area where you can let your dog off the leash to run around and have fun as well as learn to socialize with other dogs. Mine and Suka's first night there she was a little chicken and even though she'd run around, she was too scared to actually play with the other dogs lol. But yesterday was different. There were two older men there, one had two mini-pinschers named Duke and Daisy and the other had a sheep-dog named Charlie, Suka loved them and played fetch and chase with them lol. I'm glad she's finally gettin some exercise!!!! When I move to Newcastle, I'll definitely be taking her and Ella to the park to run around EVERY day...I just read that siberian huskies need the most physical AND mental exercise over any other, I best be givin it to them!!!

So....Ryan comes home on Monday...That's 3 days from today....I'm so nervous, but, I'm so anxious too!!!!


Friday, July 23, 2010

Oh Em Gee!


So, I'm at work right now...If I didn't mention it before, I do breakfast/front desk at the Rodeway Inn & Suites in Sheridan, WY...This morning was the most hectic freaking morning ever and I thought I was going to go bonkers!!! First of all, we have a tiny freaking office and the sad thing is, it doubles as the breakfast area. So, there were like 15 people in here at once, I kid you not, and they were making this big commotion trying to get to the food before each other and just making a huge mess of everything. Complaining because there were no bowls left (um yeah if they would've have just MOVED I could have gotten to the cupboard faster and given them their stinkin bowls! LOL)....Second, the waffle mix pourer (whatever the heck it's called) is broken and so I poured like 5 cups of mix so that people could just pour the batter from those cups into the waffle maker instead of pouring it themselves..this girl decided she didn't want to use my cups and as a result got waffle mix everywhere (I swear this happens at least 2 or 3 times a day, no lie)..So I go and try to clean it up but everyone was just standing there staring and standing in my way so the mix is continuing to pour out on the counter and I can't get to it fast enough!...MY GOSH! Sorry, I'm just ranting and raving...blah blah blah...ok I'm done....

On another note, my good friend Keri came to Big Horn and picked me up and took me over to her place in Sheridan. We watched the movie "Precious" and oh my word, that's one of the saddest movies! WONDERFUL acting, but holy cow I would never want to have to be an actor in that movie. That must have been difficult!...I won't go and say what the whole movie is about, but, Precious had an awful mother and father..and let me say that seeing the way they treated her made me want to be the best freaking mother in the world when I have children lol...I'm gonna love them SOOOOOO much and let them know it all the time, and strive to do my best to keep them safe, healthy, and happy!!!!!

That is all. :)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Just Another Day

So...I realized I never wrote yesterday..what the heck, right? Lol. I guess it doesn't really matter since nothing new happened yesterday...

I got up at 5:30 (yes, in the morning!), let Suka (my dog) outside on her leash, got ready for work, and left the house by 6 to make it to work by 6:15...Work was normal (I won't go into detail about it haha). When I got home I pretty much spent the majority of my time sleeping....YES, being a freaking lazy butt!!!! It's so weird cuz Kellsi hardly EVER used to take naps! Lol...Last weekend was the Sheridan, WY rodeo and fesitivites. I went to a country-swinging street dance on Friday with a group of my friends and stayed out until two in the morning DANCING..umm yeah not a good idea when you have to get up for work at 5:30! Needless to say I haven't felt the same since that, I still feel like I need to catch up on my sleep even though in reality, I should be back to normal by bueno!

So, last night was the first night in a long time that I had a dream about Ryan...I was starting to get a little worried since before I used to have dreams about him almost every single night lol...Anyway, this dream was so real that when I woke up I was hecka confused because I really thought he was home already haha...But oh well, only 11 (ish) days left!!! WOOT WOOT!! I still can't believe it, I'm still not going nuts least I'm not ACTING like it...Hopefully next week I'll be ok!

P.S....I am now a makeup artist!!!! I ended up going to Cinema Makeup School in Los Angeles, CA/Hollywood for a month in May, graduated, and am now a professional!!! Today I am going to enter a makeup contest with Sigma makeup to do a look from the 1920s, 30s, or 40s....I'll take a pic of the finished product and let you see...Wish me luck!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Comin' Out of Hibernation!

Wow! It's been nearly a year since I decided to put this blog on hold, and I am FINALLY ready to come out of hibernation and get this show back on the road!! I figured that since Ryan has only 2 weeks left until his return, that documenting the days up to that, as well as the following ones, might be a good idea...I'll be sharing my many thoughts and feelings, so, I hope that whoever decides they want to start reading this blog again, is ready for it!

So...Where do I begin?! So much has happened since the last time I blogged that I don't even know where to start, or, what details should be included or left out...I guess I'll just started with the present...

I'm currently working in Sheridan, WY and living in Big Horn, WY (they're about 10 miles apart). I'm living with this awesome couple, Nicole and Charlie Barney, and their baby son Miles (the cutest thing EVER!). After I lost my job at my uncle's dental office (long RETARDED story...and honestly, I know I didn't do anything wrong. If I had, then he should have come to me a long freaking time ago and told me himself what was up!!!) I decided that living with his family would probably not be the best idea anymore. When Nicole found out I was needing a temporary home, she talked to her husband Charlie and they decided that it'd be alright for me to live in one of their spare bedrooms for as long as I need. BLESS THEIR HEARTS! They are so awesome for allowing me to do that, I can't express enough how grateful I am for them!...Oh, I also got another job...funny story...I plan on moving back to Newcastle for a little while to live with my grandma so that I can save up money for "bigger and better" things. Well, you'd think that once I stopped working for my uncle I would have just moved home right then and there huh? Well, I thought that too but I just kept getting the feeling that I wasn't supposed to leave Sheridan just yet....I couldn't understand that feeling, but, I prayed about it and told Heavenly Father that wherever I get a job first, that's where I'm supposed to be right now...So, I filled out a bunch of applications online for places in Newcastle and then that same day I went out and about filling out applications around Sheridan. Well, I got to my second place and the owner had me fill out an application on the spot, he looked it over in about 30 seconds, looked at me, then said "Can you start tomorrow?"...Wow, I cried after that because I knew that was Heavenly Father's doing!!!....So, for the past month I've been working at The Rodeway Inn & Suites doing front desk/breakfast/ and ocassionally making beds in rooms when they need my help....I really truly enjoy my job, but, I'm putting in my two weeks notice today. August 1st will be my last day!

Ryan gets home August 2, 2010....SAY WHAT?! Lol...I still can't believe it!!...His mom and I have been writing (well, we've actually emailed each other every single week since Ryan's been, I've gotten to know his mommy quite well I'd say :D) and figuring out plans and whatnot....His plane gets into Rapid City, SD at 1:40pm. I'll drive to Newcastle on the 1st and stay the night and then I'll head over to Rapid on the 2nd (wow, my heart is racing just typing that!) to go see Ryan and his family at the airport. Funny thing is, his family and I are keeping my being there a surprise. A long time ago I told him I wouldn't be able to make it to the airport and so I asked his family if they'd keep him thinking that I won't be there...I want to get the whole thing on video!! lol...We'll see how well that works out!..Anyway, his mom just wrote me and told me that he gets released at 2:30 (THANK GOODNESS) and then we'll go out to dinner and everyone will head home (them to NE and me to WY)...woo!! I'm so excited and nervous and I just want to throw up lol....I'm guessing I won't be able to eat for like...the whole week before he gets home. I guess I'd better start chowing down NOW huh?!

Ok, I'd better get off now, I'm getting nervous just thinking about all this stuff!!!