Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Just Another Day

So...I realized I never wrote yesterday..what the heck, right? Lol. I guess it doesn't really matter since nothing new happened yesterday...

I got up at 5:30 (yes, in the morning!), let Suka (my dog) outside on her leash, got ready for work, and left the house by 6 to make it to work by 6:15...Work was normal (I won't go into detail about it haha). When I got home I pretty much spent the majority of my time sleeping....YES, being a freaking lazy butt!!!! It's so weird cuz Kellsi hardly EVER used to take naps! Lol...Last weekend was the Sheridan, WY rodeo and fesitivites. I went to a country-swinging street dance on Friday with a group of my friends and stayed out until two in the morning DANCING..umm yeah not a good idea when you have to get up for work at 5:30! Needless to say I haven't felt the same since that, I still feel like I need to catch up on my sleep even though in reality, I should be back to normal by bueno!

So, last night was the first night in a long time that I had a dream about Ryan...I was starting to get a little worried since before I used to have dreams about him almost every single night lol...Anyway, this dream was so real that when I woke up I was hecka confused because I really thought he was home already haha...But oh well, only 11 (ish) days left!!! WOOT WOOT!! I still can't believe it, I'm still not going nuts least I'm not ACTING like it...Hopefully next week I'll be ok!

P.S....I am now a makeup artist!!!! I ended up going to Cinema Makeup School in Los Angeles, CA/Hollywood for a month in May, graduated, and am now a professional!!! Today I am going to enter a makeup contest with Sigma makeup to do a look from the 1920s, 30s, or 40s....I'll take a pic of the finished product and let you see...Wish me luck!

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