Saturday, May 2, 2009


Can I just start off by saying how flippin amazing temples are?! Seriously, they are some of the most wonderful places on earth and I am SO grateful that I have the privilege of living so close to one here in Mesa. There nearest temple to my hometown in Newcastle, Wyoming is the Billings, Montana temple...5 HOURS AWAY!!!! So, obviously temple trips are a little scarce at times. But, having had the opportunity for the past 8 months or so to go to the temple whenever I feel like it has DEFINITELY made me appreciate it that much more and so once I move back to WY (in exactly TWO weeks!!!) I'm most certainly going to attend ward temple trips as often as I possibly can. I used to take the temple for granted and didn't really think about all the many blessings I recieve from it, all I cared about was the fact that I did NOT want to drive 5 hours just to stay one night and come back home. I guess I was just being selfish...But, I can honestly say my opinion has changed and I really DO appreciate the feelings I get when I'm in the temple, and even the calm peaceful feeling that stays with me well after I leave.

Anyway, today my friends Aubrey, Andrea, and I got the opportunity to go to the temple and decided that once we were done inside we would go home, get ready, and come back and take pictures since it was SUCH a lovely day!! =D (The wind picked up a little bit, but we didn't let that ruin it for us =P)


Rebecca said...

Seriously best friend, you amaze me!

Mikaela said...

I love the temple too... and I'm jealous you have been to the Billings temple, since that is where my missionary is. Lucky!

And you look so gorgeous in these pictures... as always. :)